About Me

Hi!  My name is Marci and I'm a fish biologist working for the federal government.  I know this picture of me is deceiving, but I don't have pink hair nor brains seeping from my head!  I have five cats, a husband, and a Ph.D. in Fishery and Wildlife Biology.  Some of my favorite things are Prince, zombies, Alice in Wonderland and Grumpy Cat. 

This online magazine has been a long time coming.  For the past 15 years I've had the idea of doing a magazine, aimed at girls between the ages of 11 and 16 or so, that focuses on subject matter that doesn't include reinforcement of the notion that girls only need to look cute and pick the right shade of lipstick to be successful in life.  What's wrong with fostering a love of curiosity, intellect, and creativity?  Why do boys have magazines geared towards adventure, the outdoors, technology and science, while girls have so few, if any, equivalents?

Well, starting a printed magazine was going to be pretty difficult for someone who has a background 180 degrees from what she should have to do so.  Someone suggested I do a blog, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense - it's up to date, I have complete control of the content and format, it's free to everyone, and more and more people are getting away from print media and looking towards electronic sources for their news and entertainment.  So, hello Brainy Girls online magazine!

I hope that you enjoy reading Brainy Girls.  It will change every two months or so, and I'll add things throughout the months, too.  The main message of this magazine is to let our girls and young women know that it's ok, and even awesome, to use their brains.  Don't be scared of being smart - embrace it!  And you don't have to choose between being brainy and anything else.  You can be everything you want to be all at once, as long as it is truly you.  Be who you are - the world WILL benefit!

The Brainy Girls facebook page is complimentary to this website.  I hope it will be a forum where women and girls of ALL ages can interact to ask questions, give advice, serve as role models and mentors to others, and offer opinions and feedback on this website.  What would you like to see here?  Is there anything you've come across that would be of interest to others?  By all means, please let me know.

So, to all my readers, it's very nice to meet you!

Marci and her husby, Chris.


  1. Marci, this is a great idea! I'm so pleased Toby posted to FB to make us all aware of Brainy Girls. Keep up the good work!
    Kathy Ivey, mom of Tobes.

    1. Thank you thank you thank you, Kathy! I love working on Brainy Girls and wish it could be my full-time job. I've met some great people and have even managed to get in the classroom and talk about women in science (I'll be posting a story on that soon). Thanks for momming Toben - he's one of my most favorite people! :o)


I want to know what you think! Leave your comment here - thanks! :o)